The Life of Marie (Maries Leben)   no comments

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14.- 31.03.2019

5.- 14.10.2018


A temporary installation for „Maries Leben“

Presentation of the concepts for a pop-up information stand for „Maries Leben“ from the students of the BAU International University of Applied Siences






10-17 December 2017

Bahamas International Film Festival, Baha Mar

sponsored by german films

Artist Forum Festival of the Moving Image

Award overall Best International Short

Award Best Cinematography

Polish International Film Festival

Award Best International Short Film

Colortapes International Film Festival

Top 10 Romantic Short Films Award

Directors note

“Maries Leben” is the first part of a trilogy about the relation between members of the working, the middle and the aristocrat class.

The film is one of the rare short films that was shot almost exclusively in candlelight. The story of “Maries Leben” takes place in the real existing salon from Mrs.Tilebein in Stettin, where German bourgeois and aristocrats of the Biedermeier period met artist and intellectuals of that time.

We are looking at the this salon with the eyes of the maid Marie, who gets involved with the trouble between the bourgeois Mr. Stein and the countess Anne von Borke. The more the Marie gets involved in the relationship between the countess and a member of the bourgeois, the more she lives in their phantasmal views: in the aristocratic view of her rejected, suffering mistress, who seeks Marie’s closeness yet blames her for seducing her husband; in the bourgeois view of Anton Stein, who idealizes her and yet makes fun of her; and in the view of the present salon society, which reacts with contempt to her transgression of wearing her mistress‘ extravagant dress.

The film sheds a light on the double standards of the beginning 19th century upper class. Even though in the upper-class Marie is familiarized with the concepts of enlightenment, the same circle of people forces her to accept and confirm the social system she lives in. At the end Marie realizes that this day with this experience will continuously repeat itself, as it seems to be impossible to go beyond the boundaries.

The second part of this trilogy should play in our time, the third part at the year 2050.


The life of the maid Marie is dedicated to the countess Anne von Borke. While reading a letter for her, Marie unwittingly becomes involved in the end of a love affair between the countess and the bourgeois Mr. Stein. Instead of expressing her emotions, her mistress asks Marie to accompany her to a salon concert dressed in an aristocrat robe from her.

Marie decides to redeem her mistress’ honor and recover her first love letter she has sent to Mr. Stein. She has a hard time surviving the night in the upper- class, whose main interest is self- portrayal. She does not feel comfortable in her clothes, which is why everyone can see the maid in her. It is only Mr. Stein who is demanding civic rights for her – but his quotations from the German master poets Goethe and Kleist are finally just empty shells. When Marie finds out that the countess has been telling salon guests that Marie herself seduced the count, it is hard for her to keep the belief in her mistress alive.

In the meantime an opera singer is singing about the revenge of a deceived woman.




Jacqueline Pawliczek (Marie Kowalik)

Silvina Buchbauer (Countess Anne von Borke)

Merlin Leonhardt (Anton Stein)

Monika Oschek (Lisa)

Amelie Kiefer (Madame Duchamps)

Beate Biermann (Miss Tilebein)

Sven Brieger (Mister Rabow)

Maria Dabrowska (Governess)

Lena Kutzner (Sophie Löwe)

Lukas Krüger (Walther von Goethe)

Ireneusz Rosinski (Count Eduard von Borke)

Anita Twarowska (Miss Lentz)

Fabian Ave (Groom)

Bogdan Balcerczyk (Coachman)

Producer: Rolf Kasteleiner / Lapama-Film

Co-Producer: Stella Schüssler / Kunsthaus Neustrelitz,

Monika Tomczyk, Artur Arament / Media Dizajn

Director / author: Rolf Kasteleiner

Assistant director: Lucas Thiem

Dramaturge: Irene Rudolf

Script Consultant: Nina Höhn

Director of photography: Jakob Creutzburg

Camera assistant: Sonja Thesing

Clappers: Szymon Pawlik, Julia Lehmann

Gaffer: George Steffens

Best boy: Marcin Kawczynski

Sound engineer: Adam Barwinski

Boom operator: Amrod Kai Ringeril (Marcin Bobrowicz), Henrike Sommer

Production sound mixer: Moritz Monorfalvi

Production designer: Joanna Piestrzynska

Production design assistants:

Anne Storandt, Kinga Dalska, Aleksandra Zielinska, Danielle Fagen

Costume designers: Regina Fraas, Agnieszka Miluniec

Costume designer assistants:

Olga Baszuro, Jolanta Brygert, Natalia Piesik, Maximilian Hirsch, Paulina Fabian

Make-up artist: Natalia Janas

Make-up artist assistants: Nicoletta Kowalska, Hjördis Tyra Lingnau

Hairdressers Germany: Christina Konnertz, Nina Gundermann

Hairdresser Poland: Marek Marosz

Bookkeeper: Anke Müller

Production manager Germany: Marc Hellige, Thomas Kowarik

Production manager Poland: Marcin Lewandowski

Location manager: Christoph Kurzweil, Karoline Latowska

Location manager assistant: Clara-Maria Schade

Catering Germany: Bärbel Kowarik

Editor: Nevin Wolf, Zhelyaz Tomov

Editor Supervisor: Adrienne Hudson

Grader: Sally Shamas

Retouch: Liana Lessa

Continuity: Jakub Zukowski

Location scout Poland: Aleksander Kühl

Transportation Captain: Maciej Gwarek

Der Film entstand im Rahmen eines deutsch-polnischen Filmaustauschs mit unseren Partnern Kunsthaus Neustrelitz und Media Dizajn Stettin. The film was made in the frame of the german-polish film exchange with our partners Kunsthaus Neustrelitz and Media Dizajn Stettin.

Das Projekt wurde gefördert von / The project was funded from:


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Written by rolf on Februar 11th, 2015